In-Person Training

An in-person training on child abuse detection and prevention is a powerful and immersive experience. I bring a unique blend of personal experience, research, and practical techniques to my workshops. Participants can expect a dynamic and engaging environment where they’ll learn to recognize the subtle signs of child abuse, understand the psychological dynamics involved, and develop effective intervention strategies.

Jimmy Hinton speaking
Jimmy Hinton training a group

My training often begins with personal anecdotes, sharing my own experiences and those of others who have been impacted by child abuse. This helps create a sense of empathy and understanding, making it easier for participants to connect with the material. The training then delves into the various types of child abuse, including physical, emotional, sexual, and spiritual, exploring the characteristics of abusive environments and the behaviors that can indicate potential harm.

Throughout the workshop, I focus on very specific techniques abusers use to deceive us and abuse children in plain sight, helping you to create a safe space by recognizing complex methods of deception. Perhaps the most effective part of an in-person training is a facility walkthough, where I identify vulnerable locations within the building. This is done by demonstrating how abusers so quickly adapt to their surroundings and can get past “firewalls” that are built into your organization’s current safety plan. This helps you to recognize vulnerabilies and implement suggested changes to dramatically improve security. This includes fire safefty and threats from people who intend to physically harm innocent people.

I look forward to working with you. If you would like to schedule an in-person training, be sure to contact me so I can help you create a safer space.